Certified GAYA 200H Yoga Teacher

Bridging ancient wisdom with the modern world

Gaya Immersions Teacher Training Program focuses on a true understanding of the yogic philosophy and inclusive ways to practice yoga. You are encouraged to link the acquired understanding of yoga to a deep awareness of the practice and to integrate that understanding into your daily actions. Yoga hereby becomes a form of practical spirituality and a way of living to empower you and those around you.

During the training in Portugal, May 2023

The key learnings of the training revolved around

  • Concepts of Yoga for Integrating a Yogic Lifestyle

  • Practical and theoretical sessions of Hatha Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga

  • Breathwork

  • Biomechanics and Anatomy

  • Ceremonies and rituals

The 200H YTT Gaya Yoga Training is certified by the Yoga Alliance.


Circularity, Garment Durability and Just Transition


Podcast - “Green is the new black”